Thursday, August 27, 2009

Commuting to Work

I have been very consistent this summer with commuting to work by bike. The total distance to work is only 6.2 miles, so that's only 12.42 miles total. My total time is usually under 50 min. It only takes me 22 minutes to get to work and longer coming back home. It's either the slight uphill or I'm more tired coming home??

I have still been running during my lunch break. I run anywhere from 4-8 miles. If I run extra I stay extra at work to make for any time.

Swimming is on and off. I swam twice last week at the Aurora Reservoir. I have been enjoying the open water swimming. I look at my numbers last year and amazed on how much I swam. Less than 6x the amount for the year. Oh well. No prizes will be given...

1 comment:

KodaFit said...

Good on ya!! I've been meaning to do it all Summer, but for me it's 40+ miles each way...